5 Interesting Ways to Use Time-based Chatbot Responses

By - Angela
09/04/20 09:00 AM
5 Interesting Ways to Use Time-based Chatbot Responses
We’ve talked about how Chatbuddy can change its response to your customer based on what time of day it is. Sure sure, of course it’s great to be able to say good morning if it’s the morning, and good afternoon if it’s the afternoon.

But do you know, there are more ways to use this great feature other than greeting your customer?

We’ve got a quick and dirty list of things you can try with your Chatbuddy chatbot!

Give Customers a Different Menu

Perhaps your restaurant has a different menu depending on the time of day. Breakfast menus until 10am, lunch or dinner menus, you name it.

Having your chatbot check the time and send the appropriate menu avoids confusion, especially when people message to ask for menus and reserve a seat. Don't send your customers something that they can't get--that’s a sure way to disappoint them right at the start.

Hold End-of-day Sales

Many bakeries provide end-of-day discounts to make sure that their stocks are cleared before the end of the day. Not just bakeries, but other places as well.

Being able to tell customers chatting you up near your closing time to hurry to your nearest branch to get discounts is a great way to tell them about this and give them some sense of urgency.

Inform Customers of Closing Times

What happens when it's after working hours and there isn't a way to handle orders? Without a chatbot, your customer might be waiting there without any response and end up going somewhere else.

You can have Chatbuddy tell your customer you're currently closed, but still be able to handle their order for tomorrow. While it may seem like a no-brainer (of course orders placed after 10pm will be delivered tomorrow), customers will appreciate an explicit message reassuring them that their order is safe and will go out tomorrow.

Highlight Different Products Depending on the Time

Taking the time your customers contact you into consideration can help you market your products more effectively. Go back to your buyer persona; what would they likely be looking for if they contact you in the morning? During working hours? Or at night after dinner?

A person who is more likely to be relaxing and spending some leisure time at home will be attracted to different products than if they were browsing quickly during work. Think about these differences and use this knowledge to arrange what you want to send them based on the time of day.

Provide Differing Delivery Estimates

We all know how heavy traffic can cause delivery delays, and, in turn, dissatisfied customers. While traffic is generally out of our control, setting the right expectations for our customers are definitely possible.

If the customer is ordering something for delivery now, your chatbot can automatically take into consideration the time of day and provide a different ETA than for expected low-traffic segments of the day.


There are more ways to use time to your benefit when interacting with customers or encouraging them to purchase, than just simply checking to see they will say “good morning” only during the morning. Remember our quick list:

  1. Give customers a different menu depending on the time of day.
  2. Hold end-of-day sales and give customers a sense of urgency by letting them know about them.
  3. Inform customers placing orders after closing times that they will be serviced the next day.
  4. Highlight different products depending on the time.
  5. Provide differing delivery arrival estimates based on the time of day and general traffic expectations.

How can the above work for your business? If you’ve come up with a great way to use time to your benefit, don’t hesitate to let us know--Chatbuddy has an always-on team of agents ready to help you! Just file a support ticket or email helpdesk@chatbuddy.com.ph for what you need, and we’ll get right on it!
