Business Ideas You Can Start On: Health & Wellness

By - Angela
07/17/20 09:00 AM
Business Ideas You Can Start On: Health & Wellness
We shared about this being the perfect time to start your own business last June. While there are certainly unique challenges to face, many established businesses started in recession periods as well. Your business idea can be one of those someday, but you have to start somewhere.

We’ve since started a suggestion series on business ideas in different industries. We shared ideas on education businesses last week. We’ve got something very close to all our minds this week: health and wellness. Perhaps some of these suggestions spark an idea in your mind in what new venture to try.

Where Are We Now With Health and Wellness

Health and wellness has steadily been gaining focus over the last few years. The savvy, health-conscious consumer has many more choices in goods and products in 2020 than even only five years ago. There is more attention given to emotional and mental well-being, as well as a desire for self-improvement.

However, the arrival of COVID-19 has put the spotlight on staying safe and healthy. This has been apparent in Filipinos starting to prioritize healthy options over taste in food, but this is not all. People have been embracing household wellness, turning their attention to digital wellness products, content, and practicing at-home healthcare.

Companies in this industry have seen a 21.6% boost since the lockdowns began. This trickles down to small businesses as well: consumers are now more likely to purchase from smaller companies when bigger brands have run out of stock.

Ideas For Your Health- and Wellness-Related Business

Here are some suggestions on businesses you can start right away during this consumer focus on health and wellness:

  • Personal training done via online classes/sessions can help people focus on their physical fitness during this time in lockdown.
  • Making meal and nutrition plans for people can be a good service to provide as people make and have more meals at home.
  • If you’re into yoga, being a yoga instructor may be an avenue where you can help people deal with the stresses of the current situation as well as improve their well-being.
  • Online counselling services can be one way to continue to provide important services to your patients if you are a practitioner.
  • If you’ve got a little capital, focusing on selling health, fitness, and wellness products online can be a good start to an online store.
  • Clean environments are also important to health: selling cleaning aids, supplies, or even services may be the business that’s right for you.
  • If you’re handy with a sewing machine, sewing masks and protective gear can be one way to put your skills to use.
  • With the lockdowns continuing, a health and wellness subscription box that people can count on to deliver their essentials is a good service.
  • Online videos and classes that focus on how to stay mentally and emotionally healthy during the lockdowns may have a niche audience.
  • If health and wellness is a passion of yours, perhaps your knowledge would translate well in a book that others can find help from.
  • Starting a health and wellness blog or video channel can be a way to inform more people of how to take care of themselves, and get some advertising money on the side for you.

There are more ideas out there--don’t stop with this list! With people’s minds on staying healthy and maintaining their well-being, there is surely a niche out there for your business idea.

Remember that ideas are just ideas until you make them come to life. It will take dedication and hard work, but if you will never be able to reap what you don’t sow--so start now. Chatbuddy can even help you get started if you need to take online orders or reserve times for classes and sessions.

Stay tuned for next Friday’s post, focusing on business ideas in a different industry!
