Top Tips When Writing Your Chatbot's Script

By - Angela
11/20/20 09:00 AM
Top Tips When Writing Your Chatbot's Script
Just like a salesperson you might hire to manage your store and talk to your customers, your chatbot is the one who talks to your online customers. First impressions matter, and your chatbot is the first one they talk to.

So just like you wouldn't hire just anyone for your store, or at the very least training them on what to say, you should think about what you want your chatbot to say to your customers.

Yes, we've got effective templates set up for you here in Chatbuddy so you can start reaping the benefits of chatbots quickly. But customizing your own chatbot script can raise your chances of a sale significantly and bring them back to you again and again.

Let's go through some top tips when writing your chatbot's dialogue:

Tip #1 Don't Talk At Them, Talk To Them

When you're writing your chatbot's script, make sure to use a conversational tone. Think about what you might say to someone you just met who's interested in what you're selling or what your business is about.

It's important to also hit the right tone when it comes to your chatbot. Is your brand's image more professional and straightlaced, or do you have a relaxed and casual vibe? A more professional brand might converse in full sentences, but a casual bot might feel more approachable if it didn't add periods at the end of its statements. Jus' sayin.

Tip #2 Use the Right Words

Just like tone of voice, the right words are important. And we mean that literally. While you might know a lot of industry jargon, are your target customers aware of these words? Don't confuse and alienate them by using words that they don't know or use.

The same goes for slang and other highly seasonal phrases. Remember that these might even be quickly outdated, and will need regular checks to make sure your chatbot doesn't sound like last year's tape recording.

We've got a little tip: try to skim through past conversations between your customers and your business: message archives, history, emails. Note which words your customers use for different items in your inventory, which ones come up often. Use these words and phrases in your chatbot's script!

Tip #3 Get Creative with Media

Your chatbot doesn't have to rely on just text. Use images, videos, and even animated GIFs to get the point across!

While it might not be a good idea to send some funky GIFs if your brand image doesn't call for it, look into images and videos that can get the message across to your customer faster. More complex topics you need to share can more easily be consumed in a quick 20-second video than a wall of text that your customers might glaze over.

Of course, mind the file size! A huge video might turn off customers who are conserving data. Know your customer!

Tip #4 Don't Be a Creeper

While personalization is important and helps people feel like a VIP, don't go overboard. While you might have a lot of information about your customer depending on what platform you're using to chat with them, don't use them unless there's a good reason to.

First names are frequently charming and harmless, but think twice about using birth dates, civil status, and other information you might have. If they're a return customer who's given you that information, go ahead! Otherwise, be careful.

Get Your Foot in the Door

A friendly and approachable chatbot can be a big help to your sales and support efforts. But it's important to treat them as part of your team, and "train" them accordingly. Don't leave them without the knowledge of how to best interact with your customers.

Chatbuddy's effective templates are just the tip of the iceberg. Make your chatbot even more endearing to your customers by working with us to make the perfect chatbot script. Send us an email or ticket to teach that chatbot new tricks ;)
