9 Ways to Sell Your Product This Mother's Day

By - Angela
04/30/21 09:00 AM
9 Ways to Sell Your Product This Mother's Day
Mother's Day is right around the corner (it's on May 9!) and if you're still looking for a way to sell your product, you're not alone!

The good news is that this holiday has always been a great time to generate some last minute sales. Why, you ask? Because many people inevitably forget that Mother's Day is coming. It leaves people feeling guilt-ridden, and they will rush to try and ensure that their mother won't feel put out on Mother's Day.

Let's talk about how you can attract more customers by using these 9 tips:

Tip #1: Tell People About Your Promotions

If your customers don't know, they won't come! This sounds like such a simple thing to do, but trust us, a lot of shop owners don't get the word out enough about the sales and promotions they have going on for Mother's Day.

Make sure you have ample signages talking about your Mother's Day Sale, and you talk about it on your social media channels. An ad or two won't hurt, either!

Tip #2: Give Out Free Tips and Tricks

Your customers, new and old, will love you for this. Send out an email blast to your suki on what makes great gifts and deals for their mother. Put up your best products to make it more attractive to them and score some quick last-minute sales.

Tip #3: Offer Free Shipping

This is a time to seal the deal with a sweet free shipping promotion. After all, they need to get these gifts to their mothers as soon as possible! Consider the following options:

  • Free shipping when they reach a certain amount
  • Free expedited shipping if they purchase certain products
  • Free shipping for every purchase of a particular product

Tip #4: Highlight Why Your Product Rocks

...for mothers, that is! Your customers are focused on what will make their mothers happy.  They want to show their appreciation by buying something that they know will go over well. You're the best person to know how your product will make mothers happy, so let them know! This is an opportunity to get them on board with spending!

Tip #5: Offer Personalization Options

Mother's Day is a great time to offer customization options. Offer customers the opportunity to personalize their product with something that means something special for them, whether it be a custom engraving or personalized packaging. This will make your products more desirable and memorable when they are given as gifts! 

Tip #6: Gift Cards Can Be a Hit

It's always a good idea to make gift cards available for your customers to purchase. It provides an easy way for them to buy a gift without having the hassle of shopping around, and you don't have to worry about shipping it or providing any customer service.

Look into offering different amounts and include discounts if customers purchase more than one card at a time.

Tip #7: Allow Mothers to Pamper Themselves

Your target customers doesn't have to be just children of mothers: why not target mothers themselves? Now is a good time to offer some items for them. They may want to give themselves time off from taking care of the kids or cooking; they may want to splurge on themselves on this day.

Why not offer them a good discount if they provide proof of being a mother?

Tip #8: Include Note Cards with Every Order

One of the easiest ways to sell products is by including note cards or postcards with every order. Include a card that also has your company logo on it, a beautiful greeting for Mother's Day, and leave some space for your customer to write their own personalized wishes for their mother.

Tip #9: Create a Custom Gift Package

Custom gift packages are a great way to make someone feel loved and appreciated. Offer different prices for the package, from less expensive options that include one item or two items up to more expensive options with four of five products together in one package.

Your busy customers who would love to pamper their mothers will thank you!

Get Started Now

Mother's Day is a great time to focus on getting that last minute sale in. Choose one of the following tips:

  1. Tell People About Your Promotions
  2. Give Out Free Tips and Tricks
  3. Offer Free Shipping
  4. Highlight Why Your Product Rocks
  5. Offer Personalization Options
  6. Gift Cards Can Be a Hit
  7. Allow Mothers to Pamper Themselves
  8. Include Note Cards with Every Order
  9. Create a Custom Gift Package

It's not too late to get started! Get your chatbot working overtime by using some of these tips!
