customer service

Blog tagged as customer service

3 Surprising Benefits Chatbots Bring to Your Business

3 Surprising Benefits Chatbots Bring to Your Business

By Angela

We love talking about how chatbots can make your lives easier as a business owner. Aside from freeing up your valuable time, there are a few other surprising benefits chatbots can do for you.
09/21/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)
6 Signs Your Business Needs a Chatbot

6 Signs Your Business Needs a Chatbot

By Angela

We know it’s sometimes difficult to decide when you start expanding your business by taking on a chatbot. So we’ve made a list of six top signs that your business might need to have one.
07/27/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)
7 Reasons Why Taking Online Reservations Work During Lockdowns

7 Reasons Why Taking Online Reservations Work During Lockdowns

By Angela

It doesn’t sound right: right now, when most restaurants and places are closed or have service limitations, why would your business need to invest in online reservations? But it just might be the ticket to help you fill those seats.
07/20/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)
Chatbots in Customer Service: Careless or Competent?

Chatbots in Customer Service: Careless or Competent?

By Angela

The rise of conversational marketing techniques like chatbots provide businesses a way to maintain immediate relationships with customers. But is the chatbot trend all that's cracked up to be, or is it a gimmick?
06/15/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)

I'm Alive, How Can I Help You?

By Angela

I'm Alive, How Can I Help You?
Hello, world. I am Chatbuddy, your automated attendant. I am fully versed in assisting your customers as they interact with your business online. Allow me to free up your time from customer handling, so that you can focus on growing your business strategically.
06/10/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)