customer experience

Blog tagged as customer experience

3 Surprising Benefits Chatbots Bring to Your Business

3 Surprising Benefits Chatbots Bring to Your Business

By Angela

We love talking about how chatbots can make your lives easier as a business owner. Aside from freeing up your valuable time, there are a few other surprising benefits chatbots can do for you.
09/21/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)
Enhancing Chatbot Customer Experience with Keyword Triggers

Enhancing Chatbot Customer Experience with Keyword Triggers

By Angela

Chatbuddy chatbots are designed to be set up and run for you as quickly and painlessly as possible. You've already got a lot on your plate by running a business in a challenging time--we know your time is precious, so we've made sure getting your own chatbot is as easy as possible.

But you might be m...
09/07/20 09:00 AM - Comment(s)